FractoGene "Methylation Prediction" is Available for Discussions
updated 25th of November, 2005
(Excerpt from Press Release 10/17/2005)
FractoGene was based upon the concept, process and platform that genes and non-genes comprise fractal sets, determining the ensuing fractal hierarchies of complexity;
The first prediction of FractoGene was that the ancient fugu fish, with about one tenth of the amount of "junkDNA" compared to human, should show a specific brain cell (cerebellar Purkinje neuron) with a primitive arborization, hardly more than a stem; mathematically describable as a “fractal template”.
Experimental support of the "Fugu Prediction of FractoGene”, that there should be a mathematically expressible relation between non-gene and ensuing complexity on 28/09/2005 was accepted to publication in the peer-reviewed science journal “The Cerebellum” by the Taylor & Francis Group.
I now announce further predictions based on mathematical theory. The “Methylation Prediction of FractoGene”concerns methylation, one type of genomic event. The prediction is experimentally testable by current technologies such as microarrays and other available means.
The “Methylation Prediction by FractoGene” is, in a rather specific form (while an array of other, more powerful formulations are at hand), that: “A cell (including but not limited to that of the brain cell in which the 1st Prediction was found experimentally supported) should show bursts of methylation, effectively ‘silencing’ perused repetitive and self-similar sets of auxiliary information (‘PostGenes’) of the DNA, such bursts temporally corresponding from stem cell through embryogenesis and through life till death, with the emergence of fractal-like levels of complexity e.g. with the generations of stages of development (including but not limited to, brain cell branching, readily observable by neuromorphology), thereby revealing a new, theoretically sound and experimentally usable method of discovering linkage among specific ‘Genes’ and ‘PostGenes’”.
Further elaboration will be provided immediately in talks with interested parties and in the forthcoming BrowserBook "FractoGene ... decoding junkDNA in PostGenetics" by Dr. Pellionisz.
Experimental test of the "Methylation Prediction" is, in part, an academic endeavor (eminently doable e.g. by means of microarray technology). It is, however, part of the practical elaboration of a "PostGene Discovery" method - perhaps the most important agenda-item of the second Century of Genomics ("PostGenetics", Genetics beyond Genes)
Interested parties can arrange for public presentation and/or discusion by contacting
Andras Pellionisz
(four zero eight) 732-9319
phone and email are given in a "spam-resistant" manner